That’s right! The expression, “Happy Wife, Happy Life,” is terrible advice and in this article, I will tell you (3) reasons why.
However, before I do that, allow me to clear the air. I am NOT suggesting that a man should never do anything to make his wife happy or that he should never compromise for her and accommodate her. I don’t believe in that at all. The whole idea of being in a relationship is to be able to “relate” to one another. No relationship will ever succeed and grow if things are one-sided. No relationship can thrive if the man or woman feels as though they aren’t getting anything out of it. So, please know that I am not proposing men neglect what matters to their wives and become inconsiderate.
Instead, I AM suggesting that the concept, “Happy Wife, Happy Life,” is unhealthy for a number of reasons. In this article, I will give you (3) reasons why it is.
1) A Woman Will Get Bored
Yes! Believe it or not, a woman will eventually get bored of always being the one to make decisions. A woman will eventually get tired of always getting her way and being in control. Now, I know that sounds very unusual especially because social media tries to persuade us men to pander to women, do whatever makes them happy, and sacrifice the things we want for them. Once again, there is nothing wrong with a man making accommodations to please a woman he is with. But, making her happy EVERY SINGLE TIME is not good. Men who move this way are usually seen as the “Nice guy,” and almost everyone knows that’s a recipe for disaster. But, don’t just take my word for it. In the article, 6 Relationship Experts Reveal The Harsh Reasons Women Get Bored With Their Husbands, writer, Carter Gaddis, says “Some women can become bored with their husbands due to the monotony in the marriage. Although consistency can be important in any relationship, variety can be just as important. Changing things up and creating variety in the marriage can keep the spark, interest, and desire alive in the relationship..” Even if a woman claims to like getting her way, at some point, she is going to want to see what it feels like to be pursued, invited to go somewhere, or surprised with a spontaneous date night. What fun is it always planning where to go? Where is the thrill in always knowing what’s going to happen, where it’s going to happen, and how it’s going to happen? After all, being in the unknown is what makes life so interesting at times. But, if you are the kind of man who believes in always making a woman happy and doing whatever you think she wants to do, you are robbing her and yourself out of a vibrant relationship. Similarly, if you are a woman in a relationship like this, the chances are you are getting bored of it and if you haven’t yet — you will.
2) A Boy Can’t Learn How To Disagree The RIGHT Way
Another reason why the idea of, “Happy Wife, Happy Life,” is awful advice and a recipe for disaster is because, in the event of a marriage, a boy will never learn how to disagree with a woman the right way. What is the right way? Well, it’s obviously not shouting, insulting, and becoming hostile toward a woman. Yet, if a boy has NEVER witnessed his father respectfully speak up, have a different opinion, disagree, or even go against something his mother said, how can he know what do to when he gets with a woman? What practices or demonstrations does he have to pull from? If all he knows is that a man is supposed to do whatever a woman wants at all costs, he is either going to repeat this same detrimental behavior or rebel and lash out. Either one is wrong. If he repeats the behavior, he’ll just end up showing his own sons how to be a pushover, how to make a marriage dull, and how to make a wife look elsewhere for stimulation. If he rebels and decides to lash out, he then will be conducting himself in a way that will ruin every relationship he gets into and possibly land him in jail. We are only human; there is only so much we can take. Boys have emotions just like anyone else, but if he never learns how to channel his emotions correctly, he will have major problems in life. When a boy has never been shown, taught, or witnessed how to disagree with a woman appropriately, it will only set a new path for more chaos.
3) Daughters Never See A Leader
Similarly to a son, a daughter will also be deprived of the model and example of how a man is supposed to communicate. However, unlike her brother, she won’t look to her father for how to talk with a man — she will look to her father for how a man is supposed to talk to her. It’s not enough to pay bills, put food on the table, and clothes on a child’s back. Setting an example through our actions is pertinent as parents. A man who is always doing whatever his wife commands never has an opinion, lets his wife make all of the important decisions without any of his input, and is too afraid to disagree with her is conveying a very bad message to his daughter. What message is that? He is implying to her that a man is supposed to do whatever she desires no matter how irrational, ill-timed, or absurd it is. Therefore, the first time a man ever tells her, “No,” she will become irate regardless of how logical his reason is because she has been misinformed on how men should reply. This is also why “Happy Wife, Happy Life,” is terrible advice. It can cause a girl to only look for men who want to please her and appeal to her. The concept of being married to a man who leads, guides, protects and has an opinion goes out the window as soon as a girl learns she can get her way. That is why it is EVERY father’s job to teach his children the right way.
As I wrap up this article, I think it is important to again state that I believe in the notion of compromise and sacrifice. However, it should always be mutual. The reason why, “Happy Wife, Happy Life,” is such awful advice is because women will eventually get bored of it, sons can’t learn how to properly handle a woman in the midst of discord, and daughters will misinterpret the lack of her father’s leadership for how a man should love her. It is much better to go with, “Happy Spouse, Happy House,” because this covers everyone. Everyone wins!